Bargaining: Guild vote coming soon after tentative deal on three-year AP contract

After more than 19 months of bargaining – which included valuable testimonies from Guild members fighting back against dangerous proposals, hundreds of employees signing petitions opposing the company’s initial wage offer and multiple collective actions – we are announcing a tentative deal on a three-year contract has been reached with The Associated Press.

This announcement follows rounds of intense discussions with the company over the last two weeks, culminating in intense discussions over the last two days. Our efforts were backed by strong member pressure through social media, petitions and emails to AP executives.

The company budged a bit, and then more, altering its wage proposal to a 2.75% raise on April 1; 2.75% on July 1, 2025; and 3.5% on Oct. 1, 2026. There will also be a lump sum of $1,500 for Guild-covered employees upon ratification of the contract. This is on top of the 4% raises the Guild successfully negotiated more than a year ago..

The company also backed down from proposed increases in health insurance premiums, agreeing to keeping rates flat for the duration of the contract.

Among numerous other changes, as previously stated, this deal also expands paid parental leave and infertility services, and provides for paid travel to obtain health care. It creates a clear pathway for grant-funded employees to obtain permanent AP employment. It provides economic differentials for an expanded list of expensive cities. And it includes unprecedented protections against the riskier aspects of Artificial Intelligence.

The bargaining committee unanimously believes this is the best deal we can secure without Guild members taking numerous intense actions. In the coming weeks, you will be asked to vote ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

PLEASE UNDERSTAND: A ‘No’ vote will also authorize the Guild to call for more intense mobilizations, up to and eventually including a possible strike. This does not mean that we’ll automatically call a strike immediately if the contract doesn’t pass. Voting ‘No’ means you should be prepared to directly engage in these actions and work to persuade your colleagues to join you.

We will send around a detailed list of the deal’s particulars next week, and hold informational meetings to answer any questions. The vote will be held in January.

Everybody enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend. There will be time for discussions next week.

Thank you,
The Bargaining Committee